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  • November Meeting: Business Meeting

November Meeting: Business Meeting

  • 11/19/2020
  • 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Virtual Meeting


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Please join us for our annual business meeting, where we'll host officer elections, discuss our whirlwind of a year, and plan for the year ahead! 

In this meeting, we will review the budget, plans for 2021, and elections.  We will also discuss proposed changes below to the bylaws:

The yellow highlighted section be moved to Section A.  Add new language to section B, highlighted in green.  

Article III: Meetings

Section A: The business portion of all meeting will be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rule of Order.  Unless otherwise provided for, questions will be decided by a simple majority of the votes cast.

Section B: The November meeting is designated as the Annual Meeting of the Association (move to Section A)  Officers will be elected at the May meeting to assume office on July 1st, with training and transition to happen before the September meeting of the same year (new language).  A quorum for that meeting will be 50% of the number of the “members” (entities) eligible to vote in person or by absentee ballot.  Elections will be held annually, with the office of President and Secretary being elected alternately with Vice President and Treasurer.  Each officer will hold the office for two years.


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